Hotel Yamanas Usuahia

Los Yámanas Hotel

Los Yámanas Hotel

Los Yámanas is a 3-star hotel located in a privileged place in Ushuaia with an impressive view of the Beagle Channel.

Los Yámanas Hotel is a comfortable and sober place and all its rooms are classified in double, triple and quadruple, plus suites. All of them are decorated keeping in tone with the surroundings and are equipped with cable TV, minibar, phone, Wi-Fi, desk, chairs, safe box, adjustable heating, private bathroom, hair dryer and bathroom kit.

Besides, the hotel offers fitness center with machines for all types of exercise, sauna, hydromassage, shatzu water, massage room and Scottish shower.

Other services available are lounge with a fire, reading room, game boards, meeting room for 100 people, Internet room open 24 hours, public restrooms in all floors, fire alarms and security system, access for the disabled, medical attention service and parking.

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