Half Day Tour to Tierra del Fuego National Park

Half Day Tour to Tierra del Fuego National Park

Tierra del Fuego National Park is located 11 km far from Ushuaia City. We depart from Ushuaia by bus to the west, along National Route Nº3. The first stop is at the End of the World Train Station. Passengers will be able to take the train ride as an optional activity.

The tour continues inside the park with a combination of bus rides and walks. Different from other parks, it combines the ocean, forests and mountains. Inside the National Park we find the biological richness of the Tierra del Fuego Island with its beautiful scenery.

The forest is formed by lengas, guindos, ñires and valleys of peat and lichens. Ensenada Bay, Roca Lake and Lapataia Bay (the end of the Pan-American Highway which connects Alaska and Tierra del Fuego) give color to this unique place where we can still find reminders of the ancestral inhabitants: the Yámanas.

This tour can be taken every day and all the year long either in morning or in the afternoon. We don’t offer this excursion separated. This is an optional excursion to be added in our complete tour packages including airfare, hotel, tours and transfers.

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