Minitrekking in The Perito Moreno Glacier

Minitrekking in The Perito Moreno Glacier

This full day excursion is one of the most interesting activities to do at the Perito Moreno Glacier.

This tour starts when we pick you up for your hotel early in the morning.

Then, after a journey of 80 km we will arrive at Bajo de las Sombras pier. From there you will cross the Rico Branch of the Argentine Lake. The sailing time is about twenty minutes.

Specialized guides take the group (approximately 20 people) along a coast path that leads to the southern margin of the glacier after a half-an-hour trip. There, helped by experts, metallic nails in shoes are put, necessary to walk on ice.  Also, the basic technique to use them is explained and a speech about glacier origin, regional flora and fauna is given.

From there, you will start climbing towards the glacier slowly, walking for about 2 hours, stopping occasionally just to take some pictures and rest for a while.

It’s a unique opportunity to see  the different formations of the glacier (drains, cracks, etc.) and the varied tonalities of the ice that constitute a show by themselves.

On the way back, an alternative path is used through the forest, allowing to obtain a different panoramic view of the glacier.

When arriving to the shelter, lunch is eaten and then the group goes aboard to come back by boat toward the starting point. During this sailing, approaches to the front wall of the glacier in order to appreciate the real proportion of it are carried out.

Once in land again, you can visit the catwalks to take more pictures of the glaciers.

Around 5 pm we will start the journey back to your hotel where we will drop you off.

We don’t offer this excursion separated.

This is an optional excursion to be added in our complete tour packages Including airfare, hotel, tours and transfers.

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